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Where to Learn New Business Skills In and Around Bristol

January 25, 2022 9:00 am

Technology changes fast and it can be hard to keep up with new tools and techniques. Here in the Bristol area, there are numerous opportunities for learning new skills, whether you are thinking about starting a business, have a new business you’re trying to grow, or have been a business owner for many years. These classes are not exclusive to business owners, but are a valuable resource for those in business who want to learn new skills.

We’ve included classes, workshops, and organizations that support businesses to help you find the resources that are right for you. If you’re looking for more on lending or permitting, head to our Business Resources page.

Online and In-Person Classes

If you’re looking to learn how to use a new tool or get a basic skill, taking a class or workshop is a great option. Today, many are offered online, letting you learn at home. For those who prefer face-to-face classes, there are a number offered close to Bristol as well.

GRDC workshops and events

Grafton Regional Development Corporation offers workshops to anyone who’s looking to expand their skills and learn more. Classes are free, offered both online and in the Enterprise Center at Plymouth. Examples of classes coming in 2022 include Intro to Podcasting, QuickBooks Intensive, How to use Microsoft Office, and Go to Market Strategies: A Business Prep Course for Artist Entrepreneurs.

For more information, visit the GRDC events page, or contact directly at 603-536-2011.

SBDC eCourses

If learning at your own pace is for you, then the Small Business Development Center of New Hampshire has a long list of self-guided courses designed to help you start, manage and market your business like a professional. These free courses cover the basics of starting a business, key aspects of customer service and financial management, and best practices for security and human resources. 

Some example eCourses include, Managing Your Company’s Online Reputation, Get Started Using Social Media for Your Small Business, and Train Employees to Provide the Best Customer Service Possible.

For more information on SBDC eCourses, visit the SBDCNH website, or contact directly at 603-862-2200 or

Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications

Named after the late publisher of the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications aims to protect free speech and foster enthusiasm for journalism and other forms of communications. It offers in-person and online classes and workshops that range from 90-minute webinars to a series of evening classes. 

If you’re looking for ways to promote your business, the Loeb School has great resources, from photography and writing press releases to learning how to use LinkedIn and create a blog. To view classes for 2022, go to the Loeb School website.

Center for Women & Enterprise

Women business owners can find numerous resources and mentoring opportunities through the Center for Women & Enterprise. Classes are online in 2022 and focus largely on the early stages of business start-up. Learn business plan basics, legal considerations for your new business, and how to start a mission-driven business. 

For more information about the Center for Women & Enterprise and their slate of online classes, go to the center website.

Other Resources for Building Your Business Skills

The region has two business incubators to accelerate business innovation and growth. The GRDC Enterprise Center at Plymouth has resources for people wishing to explore the feasibility of a new business concept, businesses that want to expand and grow, as well as those that simply want to follow their dream of owning their own company.

The Dartmouth Regional Technology Center, Inc. (DRTC), also connected to the GRDC, is a nonprofit economic development incubator in Lebanon, near Dartmouth College and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. It’s mission is to promote and support business growth in the region and economic development in New Hampshire by leasing work space, laboratories, and offices to growing businesses. In addition, the center offers entrepreneurship programming and economic development programs. Previous tenants include medical device companies, tech companies and agriculture businesses.

For Younger Workers

Getting your start in business as a young person can sometimes be a challenge. New Hampshire has invested in young people in recent decades, aiming to keep the many college graduates, entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners within our borders. Here are a few organizations that offer networking and career development opportunities for young people.

Stay Work Play 

This non-profit works collaboratively with young people and established businesses across New Hampshire to support ongoing economic, workforce, and community development. One of Stay Work Play’s key missions is to promote the state as a great place for young workers to live as they consider where to build their careers. Networking events, job listings and other resources are available on the Stay Work Play website.

Statewide Young Professionals Network

This group offers regular events that are both social and designed to enhance skills and knowledge in key business areas. Find a meet-up near you or connect with other professionals in the group here

As you can see, the Bristol area and New Hampshire offer numerous opportunities for learning skills and growing your business. If you have questions about starting a business in Bristol, head to the Land Use Department page where you can learn about the process and how to schedule a meeting with us.